Boudary Wall – Fujairah

Boudary Wall - Fujairah

Dominion General Contracting & Maintenance is a value driven company filled with progressive thinkers, skilled experts and trusted workers. We are passionate about exceeding our client’s expectations and making our community better-one project at a me.

Our fields of expertise range from higher education to healthcare projects with a lot of in between. Our projects are never easy, and we like it that way. New challenges force us to get creative, and really gets our staff excited to build. We hire only the best people and train them with the latest technologies and latest construction methods. This has been our culture since the foundation of DOMINION and we continue to receive national recognition as an industry leader regarding integrity, innovation, and safety because of it.

Location: Wilson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237
Surface Area: 750,000 m2
Year: 2023
Value: $500,000
Categories: Boudary Wall
4th Street, Mohammad Ahmad Barsheed Building, Office No.12, PO. Box 64065 Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
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